
Is Kuala Lumpur Safe at Night for Tourists?

Kuala Lumpar downtown

In this post we are looking at Kuala Lumpur and giving advice about keeping safe in the capital of Malaysia. As with most cities there is always a level of risk at night, it can be a case of just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

1. Stay in well-travelled areas / streets

I think it goes without saying but stay in areas that are known to be well travelled, visited by tourists. If that is Shopping Malls or places where they have Street Markets or bars and clubs then you shouldn’t have too many problems here. 

There will always be beggars or people looking to take advantage of people, especially tourists who are maybe an easier target as in holiday mode.

2. Some of the main tourist streets / areas

Jalan Bukit Bintang: This famous street is a major shopping and entertainment hub in the city, lined with numerous malls, restaurants, cafes, and nightlife spots. Below is a list of the main streets and areas to check out as a tourist:

Jalan Sultan Ismail: A significant road that connects various key areas of Kuala Lumpur, including Bukit Bintang, Chow Kit, and Kampung Baru.

Jalan Ampang: This street is home to many foreign embassies, luxury hotels and high-end shopping centres.

Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman (Jalan TAR): Often referred to as simply Jalan TAR, this is one of the oldest shopping streets in Kuala Lumpur, offering a mix of modern and traditional shopping experiences.

Jalan Alor: A vibrant street known for its open-air food stalls, serving a wide variety of delicious local cuisine that you must try. It’s a popular spot for both tourists and locals.

Jalan P. Ramlee: This street is famous for its nightlife, featuring many bars, clubs, and entertainment venues which is well worth a visit.

Jalan Petaling: Located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur’s Chinatown, Jalan Petaling is a bustling street known for its street markets. Also known for selling a variety of goods at bargain prices.

Jalan Bukit Bintang Kuala Lumpar

3. Be cautious of your belongings

This can be said for any destination but remember that Malaysia isn’t the richest of places and the gap between the haves and have nots is pretty big. 

I would advise not to wear your best watch or take expensive handbags out. Also don’t be waving your expensive I-phone around as you don’t want to draw attention to yourself. Opportunist thefts look out for things and will strike. 

I would also say don’t take out all your bank cards and carry large amounts of cash around. Best thing is to have a travel money card you can easily freeze and also hold small amounts on. Maybe transfer each night the amount of money you need for each day. 

So if someone does get it or clone it, you can easily cancel or will get away with minimum money. Rather than being your main current account or credit card where they can take you for thousands.

Finally if you are in a bar, restaurant etc. Don’t keep your phone on the table as this can easily be taken. If you have a bag, hook the handle under the chair leg to add extra security to it.

4. Avoid poorly lit or deserted areas

Common sense I guess. Why risk it to save 5 mins on your walk and normally your gut kicks in whether or not it’s a good idea. Remember you most likely don’t know this area and what people hangout there. Even at home you would avoid poorly lit footpaths or routes so the same caution should be taken when in KL. 

Kuala Lumpar buses

5. Use reputable transportation

In KL you will find transport very cheap compared to Western options. When I was there I used Grab to get around as the Uber brand doesn’t exist there but merged operations with Grab, so you’ll need to download the app. 

You can use local taxis and these are still very reasonable and metered, always check the meter is being used and if not request it to be. You can see a taxi by it having a coloured livery and an illuminated taxi sign on top.

The other option is buses but as the cost is so cheap for Taxi’s and the convenience of not stopping, find a bus stop, I wouldn’t really use this option unless you really want to experience it

For me, I preferred Grab so I could wait in a place until they got there instead of going to a rank or having to go on the street and watch out for and stick my arm out for a taxi.

6. Be cautious with strangers

This is quite broad and I am not saying be short and wary of everyone. In general Malaysians are lovely people and friendly. But as with anywhere you can get people that just want to take advantage of you for personal gain. 

If people approach you in a bar/ restaurant and start asking for money or a cigarette etc. Be polite but also keep your wits about you as they may be eyeing up other opportunities to take advantage. On the street I would just say no thank you or sorry and move on swiftly.

7. Respect local customs and culture

It goes without saying you need to respect and abide by local culture. Remember that Malay is a very religious country and if you are Malay by law you are a Muslim. So drinking can be frowned on but is legal, just make sure you stay in control and don’t cause people to have a problem with you for lack of respect as you are a guest in their country.

8. Stay updated on local news

Before your trip and during your stay, try to keep a close eye on local advice for KL and any restrictions that might be going on during your visit which could land you in trouble with locals and the law. 

Is Kuala Lumpur Safe at Night for Tourists?

Yes, Kuala Lumpur is safe at night as long as you respect locals and law along with being sensible with how you get around and just staying wary of your surroundings. 

When I was in KL I did mainly stick to areas that were busy and known for tourists visiting. I would walk around 5-10 mins from place to place and if longer order a Grab off the app and never had any problems.